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SOAP Isaiah 53: An Issue of the Heart

Rachel T.

An Issue of the Heart


We all, like sheep, have gone astray, each of us has turned to our own way; and the Lord has laid on him the iniquity of us all.

Isaiah 53:6 NIV

There is no way to read this chapter and fail to see that our Lord is the substitute for the evil that lurks inside the human heart. Sin is a disease that affects all of humankind. No matter who you are, you struggle with sin one way or another in your life. 

Personally, I think I often try to convince myself that my sin isn’t that bad.  I am mostly a good person.  And while, yes, I do sin it’s not as terrible as some of the things others have done.  Sure, I can be quick to anger or perhaps be hard on those I love.  I spend too much money on coffee and clothes.  But it’s not like I have killed someone. So, my sin isn’t that bad, right? Wrong. Sin is sin.

It’s hard to fully grasp the depth of human evil. Until we read the details of the pure agony our Lord went through to save us from our sin.  When we see the cross, understand what Jesus went through without a single complaint…we cannot deny that sin is a disease that creeps into every part of our lives. Man, who was created in the image of God took the bruising, beating and death we deserved.

A few weeks ago, my daughter and I were water baptized.  Ezekiel 36:26 says,

I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you.

The other day I was talking with a friend about baptism, and we had such a thought-provoking discussion. While baptism signifies that we are washed clean of our sins and a new creation through the sacrifice Jesus made for us, it does not mean that we suddenly become perfect humans.  We still have to work on the issues of our heart.  If we don’t, we will not be able to walk in the freedom Jesus wants for us.  Like sheep, we have all gone astray in our own way.  Getting lost and going astray, is an issue of the heart. In order to deal with the root of our sin, we have to deal with the issues of our heart.  We have to do the work along with what Jesus did for us.

How are issues of your heart contributing to your sin or struggles with sin?  Do you have someone you can talk to about these issues and what steps can you take to conquer these things?

Pray with me: Lord, you know the issues of my heart and how the things lurking deep down are affecting my daily life.  Sometimes I push them off because they are hard to deal with, painful or I am just unsure of where to go next.  You are a good father who cares about every detail of my heart.  Help me to process the things of my heart today so that I can move in the freedom you mean for me!  In your perfect name, Amen. 

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